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Professor Jean-JacquesLévy on the Four Eras of Computer Science
发布日期:2019-10-21    作者:     来源:     点击:

Professor Jean-JacquesLévy on the Four Eras of Computer Science

The International School of Huashang College cordially welcomed Professor Jean-JacquesLévy from France to lecture on the four eras of computer science. It was the 11th lecture of the Cultural Quality Lecture Series, held in the Qizhi Building on October 18th, 2019. The attendees included Dean Yu Huifen of the International School, Ms.Wang Ziyan, the Chairwoman of École Européenne d’études Avancées, Professor Xu Lijuan, the Director of Department of Computer Science, students of International School and other students interested in the topic.

Pro.Jean-JacquesLévy received his PhD from the University of Paris in 1978. He served as a Researcher at INRIA, a Professor of Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique of Palaiseau and a Visiting Professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing). He taught functional languages and verification of programs at Tsinghua University (Beijing) and UBA (Buenos Aires). He has supervised 20 excellent PhD students, authored 50 publications and 6 books, co-implemented 6 software and has one US patent. His research interests include the theory of Programming Languages and the Verification of Software. He is an expert in syntax and semantics of lambda-calculus, term rewriting systems, concurrency theory, and program verification checked by computer. He contributed to the static analysis of the embedded software of the Ariane 5. He headed up an international review of the embedded code of the ISS Columbus European module in 1997 at Matra Marconi Space (Toulouse) and DASA (Bremen). He also has contributed to the new programming rules for CNES and ESA in 1999. His current work focuses on proving correctness of graph algorithms with the Why3, Coq and Isabelle/HOL systems.

In the first part of the lecture, Pro.Jean-JacquesLévy introduced the four eras of computer science: the prelogiqian time, the ibmzoic time, the windoic and googlozoic eras.

Computers in the prelogiqian time were produced with electron tubes as logic elements, cathode ray tubes or mercury delay lines as storage, and combined with Von Neumanns theory. Computers during this time were mainly used for scientific calculation, which laid the foundation of computer development.

In the ibmzoic time of computer science, many computer researchers devoted great efforts and finally found a way to simplify the first generation of computers and strengthen computing power. As a result, the latest generation of transistor computers were produced.

Computer science had made dramatic breakthrough in the windoic and googlozoic eras. With the development of semiconductor technology, the speed of computer production had become faster with increased performance. With the advent of the network, network operating systems and database management systems have also rapidly improved and optimized. People welcomed the golden age of computer science, and computers were generally available for each family to enrich their lives.

Professor Jean-JacquesLévy simplified the contents of his lecture, by relating typical cases of different development stages of computer science to daily life application. Professor Jean-JacquesLévy also predicted that computer science has infinite possibilities in the future, for instance, computers will be smaller and lighter, sensors will be ubiquitous, and intelligent robots will undertake tasks from humans.

In the Q&A part, students actively put forward their questions and opinions and Professor Jean-JacquesLévy explained patiently.

In closing, Dean Yu firstly thanked Professor Jean-JacquesLévy for his wonderful speech, and especially thanked Ms. Wang Ziyan for recommending and accompanying Prof. Jean-JacquesLévy for this lecture. Then, she concluded that Prof. Jean-Jacques Lévy made the topic of the lecture simple and easy to understand, from which the audiences benefited a lot. Finally, she hoped that students can gradually pay attention to the subject of computer science through this lecture, learn and even use it in their study and life.
